3D Scan to Print Web App
A company called Volumental out of Stockholm Sweden is developing a browser-based app that will use a Depth Camera to help you grab 3D representations of real objects, in full color right at your desk. Depth Cameras are cameras that have two lenses like those for Kinect. The process involves only the camera, your browser and an online printing service. The app connects to the scanner to take the measurements and then make models through the online service.
Volumental toutes the technology on their KickStarter page as "the world's first that allows users to create usable, shareable 3D models of your living room sofa, grandfather, or a kitchen appliance all without leaving your browser window." While these object might be "fun" to do there is a more serious purpose this technology may be put to, Reverse Engineering. The ability to convert existing objects into a 3D scan and subsequently into a water-tight and closed, printable model would allow both the printing of the object for physical needs but may also allow for digital representations of the objects to be utilized for Virtual Prototyping via simulations.
The technology in development and still in need of funding but there is much promise for its future use. More details on their KickStarter page here: